Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Day

We had a great Christmas Day...Alice was super excited and Kyle loved the wrapping paper, ribbons and boxes.

Santa brought a gaudy princess bike
Something is hilarious!

Kyle's starting to get up on all we were trying to entice him to move

Kyle and the Chicago Bear that Uncle Bobby sent

Tom is going to teach Alice to play baseball this spring

Alice with her new stethoscope so she can be Dr. Mugwort (a super bad book we got from the library a ways back)

hmmmm, I love wrapping paper!

Gingerbread House & Christmas Eve

My parents came into town for Christmas and brought along a gingerbread house for Alice to decorate. She loved it, and so did my mom and I. I have commissioned my Dad to make 3 next year: 1 for me, 1 for my mom and 1 for Alice & Kyle. It was sooo much fun!

And the decorating begins....we had to have 2 bowls: 1 for Alice to eat and 1 for decorating the house

Alice was busy decorating herself, and my mom and I took over the gingerbread house

We hosted Christmas Eve this year, our first big holiday. Tom made a scrumptious dinner!
Sooo tired!
Bob Bob reading the Grinch to Alice before she goes to bed

Checking out where Santa was on NORAD

Alice was very worried that Santa was going to eat her Gingerbread house, so we left him a note.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Santa Visits the North End

We had our third annual White Chicken Chili & Santa night. Santa makes a 'surprise' appearance and every year the kids are in complete awe and shock. I love that all these little guys have known Tom their entire life, but yet none of them suspect a thing. Oh to be a kid again! They are so sweet and innocent!
The kids flock to Santa once he enters...Alice was a little disturbed that he didn't come down the chimney.
Mr. Andrew letting Santa know he wants a snowboard
Max and Gabby

No candy cane for Miss Maci, she found her shirt more tasty :)

Yea, Alice decided it was OK to sit on Santa's lap, especially with her little bro.

Fletcher was leery of the Jolly him the stink eye

Mr Keaton felt right at home with mom on Santa's lap

Rowan was a little awe struck of Santa and was staring at mom to make sure he was legit.

Little Addie was out for the count once she nestled into Santa's comfy arms

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mogensen Christmas

Wow, has it been a busy few weeks!!!!! It started off with Girlfriend's Christmas, in which all of us Boise gals went a little crazy with Christmas Cheer. Then we had a cocktail party at the Mogensen, Blackfin's Christmas Party, Mogensen Christmas and Friend's Christmas Party. No wonder I have another cold. Super fun, but oh so exhausting!!! Here are some photos from our day of Mogy Christmas.

Mr Kyle taking a bath getting ready Christmas at the Mogensens.

Kir and Santa

Lots and lots of presents

If Kyle could talk, he would have said 'Hey Uncle Mark, pull my finger!'

Tweed jacket for Professor Shane

A cordless screwdriver for Papa

Miss Erin and Kir with mini Santa

Bon Appetite...the new Miss Julia Child!

Spatulas...Lots of Them!


I like to Move It Move It

Andrew and Alice shaking their bums

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Santa's Here

We had brunch at CCCC today and got some time with the Big Man. Thanks to Nanny and Papa for inviting us, we were thrilled to get a sneak peak of Santa this season.

All Smiles.
You are Real?!?!?!?

Alice wouldn't get in his lap, but gave him a hug. She won't even tell him what she wants for Christmas. When she tells us, she wants "Spatulas. Lots of them." Really????

The Cousins...Kyle is pretty smitten with Santa
The crew with the Jolly Man

Nanny and her Little Man

Saturday, December 12, 2009


The past week has brought very cold weather, I don't think we've gotten to into the 30's. Buurrrr. We also had our first significant snow storm this weekend, so everyone around here is ecstatic for the ski hills to open.

The 'charm' of original windows in a 1930's house...they are frozen on the INSIDE!!!!

Alice getting her first taste of shoveling snow this year

Dad showing her the ropes


I guess Kyle has been stealing 'finger food' from his buddies at school, so we have graduated to table food. This was his first taste of Kraft Mac 'n Cheese. If anyone has good table food ideas for a babe that only has 2 teeth, I'm all ears!

Kyle loves to gt dipped

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Watch Out Charlie Brown

Mr. Kyle is closing in on the perfect round head! Good news, Kyle is making excellent progress with his helmet therapy. We re-scanned his noggin today, and Amy (our therapist) was surprised at how much progress he has made. Hooray! She said if his progress continues at this rate, we can be done in 2 months.

She told us that his head has not grown as much as normal so she was surprised that his head re-shaped as much as it did. Not only was I thrilled to hear that the helmet was working, I was happy to hear his head isn't growing as quickly as it has been - ha! Amy looked at me and told me not worry about his recent slow head growth b/c it was already large - had to laugh at that!

Monday, December 7, 2009

It's starting to look a lot like Christmas

Here is our lovely Christmas tree at the lot...It's soooo pretty according to Alice.
Here is what it looked like after we got home...ummm, we apparently had zero quality control choosing this lemon. There was a major bend in the trunk! This photo is super funny, although Tom and I were not amused by what was going down. Alice let us know that our tree was 'broken' about 20 times.

Here are Santa's Helpers decorating the tree after we got the 'lean' fixed
(Tom took it back & had them put in on the stand)....although it still totally leans. Luckily Tom had a poker game with friends that evening and won just enough money to cover our bad investment.

Santa Homer is back...Alice still loves him and is starting to share the love with Kyle. Oh joy!

Trying to get the Santa's hat on over the helmet.