Sunday, May 10, 2009


Sorry for the delay in postings, Tom and I have been busy trying to keep our sanity. We forgot about the complete sleep deprivation that comes along with a newborn! Wow! Week 3 was pretty rough at nights, but we've rigged up the bassinet to help him sleep a little better (put together a ramp to help his congestion & use a rice bag to make it warm and cuddly). Hey, whatever works. We're all starting to have better nights....although this kid eats A LOT! I'm having quite a few nighttime feedings, every 3 hours (just like the textbooks say).
Alice has been great, no more freak outs or tantrums, whew. She's very protective of her little brother, and won't let any kids come up and touch him. She gets a little aggressive shoving people away, so beware!

Alice playing with her new play dough
Applying makeup...eye shadow should go on the eye, not the chin.
Little Man in his 'blue shoes', Tom's favorite
Tummy Time gone awry

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