Alice came home with her progress report last week. We are VERY proud parents of our big girl!!!!
Social/emotional skills:
Alice is a very happy and independent little girl.
Alice will play with most of the kids in the class along with some little lambs but she does have a few special friends (Alyssa and Miles). She is very social and has a lot to say.
Alice is very empathetic towards her friends when they are hurt or sad. She is always willing to lend a hug or soft touch.
Alice says good bye easily at drop offs. It’s fairly easy to get Alice engaged in an activity while mom/dad say good bye and leave.
Alice sometimes cries easily when redirected or talked to about her behaviors or following directions.
Alice sits and participates at circle time and other group activities with minimal interruptions. She is pretty good at not bothering her friends and following directions.
Motor skills:
Good gross motor skills: runs, jumps, hops, can briefly stand on one foot.
Alice loves to play out side especially on the “Big bike!” She listens and responds well outside and in larger group activities.
She can climb up the climbers and slide down the slides; Alice can even peddle a bike!
Alice can dress and undress herself with minimal help.
Good fine motor skills; paints, colors, tearing, glue sticks, building, and pealing.
Alice has mastered using tongs and pouring her drink at snack.
We introduced scissors for the first time on 9/11/09 and Alice took off with it! She figured out how to use them within a matter of seconds and stayed very engaged with it for several minutes.
Alice seems to definitely be favoring her right hand.
Alice is in underwear and uses the potty with little help!
Verbal skills:
Alice has great verbal skills; she expresses herself clearly and is easily understood by her friends and teachers.
She seems to feel comfortable communicating with teachers and friends about things she needs/wants or issues she is having.
Alice enjoys participating at circle time; she sings songs answers questions and will reflect on what she did over the weekend.
Alice communicates how she is feeling emotionally and physically (hungry, tired, or needs to use the restroom
Self help skills:
Alice is washing her hands by herself.
Alice can serve herself snack without any help.
Alice is fully potty trained.
Alice gets her own lunch box and gets out her healthy choices all by herself.
Alice is awesome at getting “fancy,” she gets dressed up all by herself.
She takes her shoes off and on all by herself and puts them where they belong most of the time.
When she wants to she will help with everyday tasks like cleaning the table.
Alice still needs some reminders to clean up after herself when she is done playing with something.
Cognitive skills
Alice can sort shapes.
She can match basic shapes and sizes.
Alice knows most of her shapes: square, triangle, circle, heart and star.
Alice knows red, orange, blue, yellow, green, purple, pink, brown and black! WOW
Alice sings ABC’S all the way through!
Alice can count 1-11, 19 20. Very cute
Alice is recognizing some letters A,H,G,M,O,X but mostly just guessing at this point.
Alice knows specific books by their cover.Alice loves pretending with friends. She will read and play cook with Alyssa and
Sofi very cute.